Vegas Strong 5K/1M

Vegas Strong 5K/1M
Sunday, Sep 29, 2024 at 8:00am
Downtown Las Vegas

We proved in 2017 that strength is in numbers and that our community is more than Vegas Strong! It is Vegas Proud and Vegas Great!!

As we come together again for this annual event, we will commemorate the anniversary of One October and remember those who lost their lives. We will run and walk in their memory and in honor of the survivors and the first responders. We will never forget!

We will continue to show our strength as our community runs and walks together, showing love and support for one another!


The start line will be on Fremont St. at the northwest corner of 9th and Fremont St. The finish line will be on Fremont St. on the southeast corner 9th and Fremont St. The start and finish festivities will take place at the Llama Lot off of Fremont St. between 9th St. and 10th St.

Click Here For Registration: