Turkey Trot 5K for WTPS Unified Sports

Turkey Trot 5K for WTPS Unified Sports
Saturday, Nov 16, 2024 at 9:00am
Wayne Hills High School
272 Berdan Avenue

Turkey Trot 5K for WTPS Unified Sports Sponsored by Wayne Special Parents Association

Join the Wayne Special Parents Association (WSPA)  for our annual Turkey Trot 5K to support and raise awareness for Wayne Township Public Schools (WTPS) Unified Sports. All proceeds will be donated to WTPS Unified Sports Program.

Special Olympics is dedicated to promoting social inclusion through shared sports training and competition sports experiences. Unified Sports joins students with and without intellectual disabilities together as teammates, each one a meaningful, equal part of the team. Students involved in Unified are not volunteers. They come to play, make new friends and be leaders in making a positive impact on their school community.

We plan to Gobble, Gobble, Run, and Wobble Rain-or-Shine! The course will begin and end on the Wayne Hills track located in the rear of the high school and travel through an adjacent neighborhood.  This is a great opportunity to help support an amazing initiative and do some huffing and puffing before the gravy and stuffing.

Registration Fees:
Turkey Trot 5K for WTPS Unified Unified Sports Program $25
Turkey Trot 5K for WTPS - Aged-based Pricing for Students $15

Click Here For Registration Information