The Nighthawk Chase

The Nighthawk Chase
Sunday, Apr 13, 2025 at 9:00am
17 School Street

All runners and walkers are invited to the Nighthawk Chase 5K and 1 mile run starting at the Peru High School Track on April 13, 2025.  The 1 mile run is for kids 10 and under and will start at 9:00 followed by the 5K at 9:30.  Check-in will start at 8:15.  The top boy and top girl in the mile will receive an award.
Awards in the 5K race will be to the overall winner and top male and top female.  

All proceeds will benefit the Peru Track Team for new equipment.  So please come out and support the team! 

Not a runner?  No problem--donations will be gladly accepted!

Click Here for Registration: