17th Annual Run Rabbit Run 50 Mile Race
Saturday, September 14, 2024
6:00 AM start
Limited to 200 entrants.
(15 hour cutoff/9 PM)
50 Miler
The 50 mile race starts bright and early at 6 AM at the Steamboat Springs ski area (elevation, 6,900 feet) on Saturday, September 14, 2024 and proceeds up, up, up to Mount Werner (elevation, 10,568 feet) then goes up and down and up and down some more and then across the Continental Divide to Rabbit Ears Mountain (elevation, 10,500 feet) before heading back and way down to the ski area.
There is a 15 hour time limit, which means you must complete the course by 9 pm to get an official finish. We will allow all men over 60 and women over 50 an Early Bird start, at 5 am, if they want it. If you elect the Early Bird start be aware that the Mt Werner aid station may not be ready for you when you get there nor can we promise coffee and bagels at the start (but there probably will be). You still must complete the course by 9 pm to get an official finish. Just let us know at brace check-in if you intend to take the Early Bird Start.
New for 2024 – In addition to our $75,000 in Prize Money ($15,000 to 100 Mile male and female winners) and the $5,000 Run, Rabbit, Run Team Challenge, the $1,000 Preem Challenge!