Olga Memorial Footrace

Olga Memorial Footrace
Saturday, Aug 17, 2024 at 9:00am
100 main street

The Olga 5 and 10K Run and 5K Walk has become a traditional Saranac Lake summer event.  For the past 27 years it has continued to support multiple community causes, including the Riverwalk, Girl Scouts and the Skatepark.  This year we are pleased to continue the partnership between the Rotary Club of Saranac Lake and the Saranac Lake Youth Center.  Our goal is to raise $10,000.  The proceeds will benefit our local youth through increased programming at the Youth Center and enhance the Rotary's literacy program that puts a book in the hands of every child in the elementary school.  

The course is mostly flat, circling Moody Pond and passing by Lake Flower.  The 10K is a two loop course and is a true 10K distance.  Race results, raffle and awards ceremony immediately following the last finisher.

Free refreshments

3 water stations along the course

Awards to the top three male and female finishers in each age division in the 5K and 10K runs and awards to the top male and female in two age divisions in the walk.

Click Here For Registration: