La Jornada de Las Quebradadas 53K

La Jornada de Las Quebradadas 53K
Saturday, Feb 22, 2025 at 7:00am
Quebradas Backcountry Scenic Highway

We can guarantee a stunning and challenging race course and an old-school ultra running feel. This is a relatively minimalist race in which runners will need to make do with adequate but minimal course-markings and similarly adequate but minimal aid stations. A portion of the profits from this race will go toward funding the Socorro High School Cross Country team and maintenance of our local trails.

We greatly appreciate anybody who comes to experience the incredible trail running that Socorro has to offer.

Cutoffs: Cutoffs will be strictly enforced for safety reasons. Cutoff times are listed below:

Byway Aid Station (Mile 7.5): 10:30 AM

Johnson Hill Aid Station (Mile 17.0): 12:30 PM

Byway Aid Station (Mile 24.5): 3:00 PM


Runners will begin the race with 7.5 miles of gorgeous single and double track that sweeps through arroyos and limestone outcrops in the desert. Some short sections are slightly rocky and technical, but views are outstanding. At mile 7.5, runners will reach the backcountry byway and Byway Aid Station. From this aid station, they will turn left onto the dirt road and continue for about 1/2 a mile before turning right on a 4WD track. At approximately mile 11, runners should look out for a marked junction that signals the beginning of the looped part of the course. Since runners will be starting and ending the loop at this location, they may see markings in two directions. Runners should turn RIGHT when they reach this junction, where they will begin the loop in a counterclockwise direction.

Within a mile of this junction, runners will enter the Arroyo de la Parida and turn left, where they will continue for a few hundred meters before turning right onto a dirt 4WD track and stay on it for approximately one mile. On this stretch, they will see two yellow gates. Runners will continue through the first gate. It's a difficult gate to open and shut, so runners are encouraged to duck under an opening on the left side of the gate rather than attempting to open it. Just before reaching the second gate, runners will turn left, pass through an opening in a barbed wire fence, and reach a dirt road.

There may be a water-only aid station at this location (runners will be informed of this in advance). Otherwise, they will continue on a very runnable stretch for 5 miles, where they will be able to look to their left and view large and beautiful sandstone outcrops before reaching Johnson Hill aid station at mile 17. From here, runners will have a short and steep climb to an off-road vehicle track. This short section is very sandy—it will feel like running on the beach—but it won't last long. Soon the track ends up on a ridge line with views of an enormous desert basin. At approximately mile 21, runners will keep right onto a familiar track, and retrace their steps back to the Byway aid station, where they will run the final 7.5 miles back to the start/finish area.

Registration Fee: $75. All participants will receive a meal from our local food truck, Cubish. A portion of the profits will be donated to the maintenance of our local trails and the Socorro X-C team.

Awards: First place male and female winners will receive a $50 REI gift card.

Click Here For Registration: