3rd Annual Head for Harkness 5k
The 5k race will include pavement, grass and trail.
The 1 Mile Walk will be paved and w/c accessible.
We will have one water stop during the race and bathrooms available before the start of the race.
Awards for Top 3 male and female winners
Top age group winners
12yrs and Under
13 - 18 yrs
19 - 29 yrs
30 - 39 yrs
40 - 49 yrs
50 - 59 yrs
60 - 69 yrs
70 - 79 yrs
80+ yrs
Plus, Finisher medals guaranteed for all racers.
Your bib or medal also acts as free entry to our Fallfest going on at Camp Harkness that day. Fallfest has food vendors, crafts, and family friendly activities.
5K Run and 1M Walk - $25 before September 7, thereafter $30.
Virtual 5K - $25
Family / Group Registration 5K or 1M In person events - Groups of 3 or more registrations $20 per participant before September 7, thereafter $25.